
SEMINARIER med Rob Willemse

We are hosting a seminar focused on the art of anamnesis in homeopathic practice, set for 19-20 October, 2024, at the Comfort Hotel in Norrköping. This session is the first in a series designed to address key elements in homeopathy, beginning with the foundational skill of patient history-taking.

Seminar Goals and Content

The seminar is tailored to enhance practical anamnesis skills in various contexts. It includes a balanced mix of theory and interactive elements, such as case studies and videos. Our discussions will also touch on materia medica and the broader historical context of homeopathy. The detailed program is available at

Facilitator Background

With sufficient experience in both homeopathic practice and education, I aim to facilitate a learning experience that is both informative and practical.

Practical Details

Dates: October 19-20, 2024
Location: Comfort Hotel, Norrköping, Sweden
Investment: €190 (15% discount for students)

Request for Accreditation

We respectfully request the accreditation of this seminar by your association. We believe it will contribute significantly to the professional development of homeopaths in Sweden. Your support in promoting this event through your channels would be greatly appreciated.

Additional Information

Should you require further information for the accreditation process, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to ensuring that the seminar meets your standards and adds value to the homeopathic community.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to this seminar. Also, I wish you all the best and good health for 2024!

Kind regards,
Rob Willemse
Educational Center for Classical Homeopathy (ECCH)

Phone:      +31 40 2135449

Available Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00 CET